2025 Joint SASA – Kabale University

KABALE, UGANDA, APRIL 25th – 26th 2025

Unlocking the potential of Science across Africa to mitigate the impact of climate change and create regenerative solutions for holistic wellbeing


The Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa (SASA) and Kabale University (KAB) invites faculty, researchers, practitioners, policy stakeholders, and students to submit abstracts and proposals for scientific sessions, workshops, and platform or poster presentations at the 2025 Joint SASA – KAB International Scientific Conference to be held online from April 25 -26 2025.

The overarching theme will be “Unlocking the potential of Science across Africa to mitigate the impact of climate change and create regenerative solutions for holistic wellbeing.”

The themes below will be addressed in keynote presentations and discussed in panel and plenary sessions.

  • Mitigating climate change: Climate solutions towards holistic wellbeing in
  • Controlling communicable and non-communicable
  • Promoting policy development, implementation and/or
  • Promoting communal and corporate agriculture for food
  • Building community resilience to respond to challenges in African
  • Promoting sustainable utilization and conservation of biodiversity in
  • Fostering public-private partnership for societal
  • Nurturing research and innovation to address challenges of African S
  • Promoting Indigenous knowledge and practices and their contributions to the science of sustainable development.

SASA/KAB will host science educators and researchers from various academic centers, research institutions, government agencies, private and multinational corporations, NGOs, and other entities who are dedicated to building an innovative African research base and its impact on health, health care, social and economic development.

Deadline for abstract submission is March 21, 2025.

Organizing Committee:

Prof. Emilio Ovuga, Prof. Denis Sekiwu, Dr. Daniel Buyinza, Dr. Denis Okello, Dr. George Kwesiga, Prof. Francis Akena Adyanga, Prof. Norma Romm, Ms. Patricia Kyomugisha, Prof Sam Lanfranco, Prof. Sarah Nachua, Dr. Isabella Epiu, Prof. Joachim Kapalanga.


For scientific matters: Prof. Alain Fymat (alain.fymat@fiimas.org), and Prof. Joachim Kapalanga (jkapalan@uwo.ca)

For all inquiries: Dr. Daniel Buyinza (dbuyinza@kab.ac.ug) & Ms. Patricia Kyomugisha (pkyomugisha@kab.ac.ug)

For abstract submission: info@sasascience.org

For more information visit http//www.sasascience.org/conference